Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Astrology in Action: Change Is Gonna Do Her Good?

Hi Maria,

I recently had an unsatisfactory relationship (which I knew was bad), with a man I met in my yoga class. He was obviously flirting with other women and maybe dating some. I didn’t feel we were committed and didn’t mind him dating other women, but then he started flirting right in front of me, which I found disrespectful. I ended the relationship and have not gone back to the class. I feel the situation was an impetus for me to move out of a bad year of unemployment and living with my parents. (In the past I have lived and traveled worldwide.) Here is my question: I have taken a new job in Florida. Is this a good move and will I have satisfying relationships there?

Florida Bound (female, age 44)

Dear Florida,

Thanks for writing. I looked at your natal, progressed and relocated astrology charts, and pulled three Tarot cards for you.

Natally, you have an overload of Water and not much Fire. What this means in English is that you are probably so sensitive and emotional that you tend to lock up your feelings and maybe even build a wall of protection around yourself so they don’t spill out all over the place. Deep down, you are probably scared of emotional involvement. (And with Venus Retrograde in Scorpio natally, on some level, whether you’re aware of it or not, you actually want to be rejected…) But with all that Water, what you need to do is learn to take a chance, to trust yourself in emotional situations. With low Fire, you need lots of love and attention. And there is nothing wrong with that! What you don’t need is men who disrespect you or flirt right in front of your face! (You have Mars in Leo!!) You also very much need a career where you are known and recognized and appreciated for what you do. Getting this love and attention in your career will help you have a better chance at productive and satisfying relationships.

There are two things going on in your progressed chart that make me think things will change for the better for you soon. First, your progressed Moon will leave Taurus and enter Gemini in early December 2007. (Right now, your progressed Moon is smack on the malefic fixed star Algol --- losing your head over someone or something!! --- and not very happy.) Gemini is the sign on your natal 9th House of Travel, an activity I suspect makes you feel happy and fulfilled, since Mercury, your 9th House Ruler, is conjunct your natal Sun. Once your progressed Moon enters Gemini, I think you will feel more like yourself. Since Gemini is a social, communicative sign, it is likely you will find it easier to socialize and meet new, interesting people. You will also likely be able to expand your circle of friends, since Mercury also rules your natal 11th House of Friends.

The other thing I see going on in your progressed chart is that Venus, the planet of Love and Attraction, will change signs in March of 2008, going from Scorpio (where it is located natally) to Sagitarrius. Since Venus is in its Fall in Scorpio (wants to be rejected!), its progression into Sagitarrius, a lighter, friendlier energy, should help you on the romance front.

I relocated your natal chart to your new city. This puts lovely Libra on the Ascendant, which should help you appear more approachable, pleasant and attractive. (Your birth location has penetrating Scorpio on the Ascendant, a rising sign that can literally scare people away because it is so intense and psychologically invasive.) Your relocated chart also puts intuitive, creative, nurturing Cancer on your Midheaven, which could prove helpful to your career.

As far as the Tarot is concerned, I did a simple three card spread: Past, Present, Future. I pulled XVI-The Tower, XV-The Devil and I-The Magician. These cards clearly show your recent change in direction (XVI-The Tower) and throwing off of limiting, burdensome circumstances (XV-The Devil). I-Magician in the Future position is a highly encouraging sign that your new job in a new location will be creative and rewarding on many fronts.

I also pulled what I call a Missing Clue Card, VII-The Chariot, which confirms this Probable Outcome, as it’s message is basically, Full Speed Ahead. And so I would say, yes, based on both the Astrology and the Tarot, the new job in Florida should be a good move for you and you should be able to have more satisfying relationships there – particularly if you heed the advice I gave you about the excessive Water and low Fire scenario in your natal chart.

Maria Hawk

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