Thursday, August 9, 2007

Advanced Divination Online Journal: Introduction

Here's my take on Astrology (and Tarot, and Numerology and the Divinatory Arts in general):

If I can't use it to get real answers to real questions and if it can't offer me solid, practical advice, guidance and direction, then why bother?!

With that in mind, I have kept print-outs, notes and files of horary charts I have cast, and tarot readings I've done, for years. Problem is, they are not all in one place, nor are they in any particular order. Makes it kinda hard to go back and review them if I want to...

Solution? Create an on-line journal that I can code with dates and subject matter. Something I can go back to and edit or update. Something that lets me search for tags or keywords. That way, if I want to, I can go back and review any particular astrology chart, tarot reading, Medicine card spread, I ever did -- at least the ones that get inputted into this Journal -- and see how it all panned out. Did I nail it? Did some technique or insight or particular planetary configuration unlock a chart for me? Or was I totally off? If so, why? I want to know!

This is the way I learn. I use my knowledge/ techniques/ intuition to figure something out. But sometimes I want to go back -- chalk it up to Mercury Retrograde natally -- after the circumstance/ situation/ issue resolves itself, and note just exactly where I was dead-on and where I was dead-wrong!! (Did I assign the Significator to the wrong house? Did I overlook the obvious meaning of the tarot card?)

To my way of thinking, Advanced Divination is a process. This journal will outline how that process works for me. Maybe you'll find something useful here. Let me know...

Stay tuned,

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